2025 Travel Blog

February 01, 2025  •  Leave a Comment

Shirakawa-go, Japan Happy 2025! I'm playing around with this for the new year. Patty and I recently travelled to Japan around the new year and will be visiting New Zealand in a few months. We are not very internet-social types of people, but a simple Blog is a neat way to highlight some moments from these trips and save family and friends the slog of wading through hundreds of unlabeled photos that I mostly keep for posterity and memories on these trips. Who knows, maybe some strangers of the internet will stumble across this and be curious about our escapades across the 6 continents we have covered (sorry, southern penguins; hope to meet you someday).

We both work full time, so I hope this won't fall too far behind. At any rate, we'll give this a whirl and try have some fun documenting where we went and what we saw and did. If I'm really nice to Patty, she might even participate and share some of her notes from the trip. Let's see where this goes and if we can put some reasonable time into a new, hopefully fun project!


Scene from a Hida Limited Express train, Japan


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